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HamSphere Code of Honour
2023-07-14 15:10
Registered: 15 years ago
Posts: 1,259

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HamSphere Rules and Code of Honour
Rules and Regulations

  • Amateur Radio should be free from commercial advertising. Commercial advertising of other products or external Web sites using Chat or Verbal communication is not allowed under any circumstances.

  • Treat your HamSphere account confidentially. Never share the account or password with anybody else, even if supervised.

  • Do not create multiple trial accounts. Nor do multiple logins with your account at the same time in different computers or mobile phones.

  • The use of VPN (Virtual Private Network) is not allowed. Many VPN operators have been blocked by HamSphere.

  • Do not send QSL cards without having made a valid contact which requires that both parties record call signs and signal reports from the other station.

  • HamSphere is "pro" Freedom of Speech, but we prohibit, just as Ofcom and the FCC has done in their Amateur Radio acts, music, criminal activity, false signals, broadcasting, retransmitting radio signals, obscenity, profanity, indecency, sex, extreme religion, extreme politics and commercial advertising. While we support freedom of speech, we need to remember that there are many listeners of all ages who use our system. Our language should be courteous and sensitive to the considerations of all listeners, free of expletives and sexual connotations, and suitable for family conversations.

  • HamSphere supports a BC band (48m) on HamSphere 4.0 where broadcasting is allowed with a special license.

Failure to follow and comply with the Rules and Regulations will result in suspension or invalidation of your account.

General Amateur Radio Code of Honour

  • Sending and receiving QSL cards is a traditional part of the amateur radio hobby and you are encouraged to confirm your contacts with a QSL card on HamSphere.

  • Always be polite regardless of the circumstances. If you can't be polite avoid transmitting.

  • Set a good example especially for trial users holding a "HS" call sign who may be thinking about becoming a ham.

  • Be a good listener. It will help you better organize your thoughts before transmitting.

  • Reply to a CQ, or call CQ yourself. It helps keep alive the magic of Ham Radio.

  • Speak clearly and slowly, especially when giving your call sign to someone you have never worked before.

  • Promote friendship and goodwill during your DX contacts. Look for ways to get to know each other rather than simply exchanging signal reports and 73s!

  • Please respect scheduled Net frequencies and stop transmitting before a scheduled net is about to start. HamSphere may assign specific frequencies and times for official Nets. Always follow the Net Controller's instructions when a Net is in

  • While operating in a Net, try to keep track of everyone in the QSO. Hopefully someone has assumed the role of "traffic director" to make sure everyone has a chance to contribute to the discussion. If not, don't hesitate to do it yourself.

  • Make it clear at the end of each transmission which station is expected to transmit next. Try to do this even when operating VOX. This technique is very helpful in group contacts of three stations or more.

  • Operate on frequencies that are in whole KHz (e.g. 7.070 KHz). This alleviates ambiguity and makes it easier for everyone to be on the same frequency.

  • Make a point to try other bands.

  • Look for opportunities to "Elmer" newly licensed hams when you hear them on the HF bands. Welcome them, solicit their questions and give them pointers on good operating practices.

  • Remember that no one country can proclaim to be the leader of the Amateur Radio world. Likewise, no one country's foreign policy is any more right or wrong than that of another country.

  • Develop good operating practices. You will be doing your part in helping insure the continuance of our long and proud tradition of self-regulation.

HamSphere DX Code of Honour

There are many ways of communicating using Amateur radio. It can be anything from the long "rag chewing" sessions where a group of operators share a good conversation up to the very fast, short and strict Amateur Radio DX hunting or DX chasing. DX is the acronym for "distance" and usually means a rare station usually from a far away place that everyone wants in the log. Working DX has special rules as the contacts are very short and you need to understand how to operate a so called "pile up". Regardless if you want to participate in DX hunting or not, you should be familiar with the procedures below:

  • I will listen, and listen, and then listen again before calling.

  • I will only call if I can copy the DX station properly.

  • I will not trust the DX cluster and will be sure of the DX station's call sign before calling.

  • I will not interfere with the DX station nor anyone calling and will never tune-up on the DX frequency or in the QSX slot.

  • I will wait for the DX station to end a contact before I call.

  • I will always send my full call sign.

  • I will call and then listen for a reasonable interval. I will not call continuously.

  • I will not transmit when the DX operator calls another call sign that is not mine.

  • I will not transmit when the DX operator queries a call sign that is unlike mine.

  • I will not transmit when the DX station requests calls from geographic areas other than mine.

  • I will not repeat my call sign when the DX operator calls me, unless I think he has copied it incorrectly.

  • I will respect my fellow hams and conduct myself so as to earn their respect.

These guidelines have a very long and successful history in the traditions of Ham Radio, around the world, and these efficient, courteous, rewarding techniques will serve you well. A hundred years of operating history have demonstrated this. HamSphere urges you to adopt these operating practices in your own pursuits and join the ranks of "good operators".

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