Russian International DX Club arranges a Multi Mode contest SSB and CW
Start date UTC
2023-10-07 06:00
Stop date UTC
2023-10-07 15:00
SSB and CW
First round SSB: 6:00 to 10:00 UTC.
Second round CW: 11:00 to 15:00 UTC.
Score Calculation
The total number of points Total=Points * Bands * Countries
Max Power
100 Watts SSB, 5 Watts CW
RS + serial, RST + serial
QSO Points
3 points for QSOs with RIDXC members and 1 point for QSOs with any other station.
Distance points:
3500 km - 1 point.
3500-7000 km 2 points
7000-10000 km - 3 points.
Over 10000 km - 4 points.