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HamSphere Newsletter July 2023
2023-07-13 20:11
Registered: 15 years ago
Posts: 1,259

Welcome to the July 2023 edition of the HamSphere newsletter and hello from the land of the Midnight Sun :-)
This major update brings many new features and enhancements. So without further ado, let's get in to it!

HamSphere 5.0 is here

This is HamSphere, where the magic of Amateur Radio meets the digital age. Our platform connects you with people all around the world who share the love for amateur radio. It's not just about signals and frequencies; it's about people, about making friends from different countries and backgrounds.

Amateur Radio has always been about communication. It's a way for people from different corners of the world to share knowledge and experiences, to understand each other better, even when our languages are different. Today, we want to bring back this feeling of worldwide friendship, and remind us all that we're part of one big global community.

The real experience of HF radio might feel like a thing of the past, but with HamSphere, it's very much alive. We want to encourage conversations, start discussions, and bring back the feeling of being part of a radio family. We know that real HF Amateur Radio can be expensive and challenging, but we're here to make it easier and more affordable for everyone. Let's bring the joy of Amateur Radio to everyone, no matter where we are in the world. Together, we can learn, share, and grow as one big radio family.

HamSphere is a realistic simulation of amateur radio operations, complete with virtual transceivers, antennas, and realistic propagation models. Engage in QSOs (conversations) with operators from all corners of the globe, participate in contests, and expand your knowledge and skills through the various available resources.

One of the highlights of HamSphere 5.0 is its multi-platform compatibility. You can access HamSphere 5.0 on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and even on your iPhone, allowing you to stay connected and engage in amateur radio activities wherever you go. With a gradual outphasing process that began with HamSphere 4.0 and then HamSphere 3.0 in the spring of 2023, we have now fully implemented HamSphere 5.0, replacing the legacy systems to provide a more robust and integrated experience.

The recent addition of the iPhone platform has opened up new possibilities, bringing the HamSphere community to your preferred device. In addition, HamSphere 5.0 introduces a range of exciting features, including the new 6m band with semi propagation qualities, suitable for beginners and rag-chewers alike. The automated awards and contests system adds another layer of excitement, providing a platform to express your skills and compete in friendly competitions.

HamSphere 5.0 also offers a redesigned website, built with modern web frameworks for a seamless browsing experience. Stay updated with a live DX Cluster, which provides real-time DX activity monitoring, including a mix of auto-spotting and operator spotting. With up to two hours of history available, you can easily track and discover exciting DX opportunities.

Download HamSphere 5.0 here
Get a new password

HamSphere 5.0 is available on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iPhone

Yes, we have exciting news for you! HamSphere 5.0 is now available on the iPhone. We know many of you have been eagerly waiting for this, and we're excited to bring the HamSphere 5.0 experience to our iPhone users.

HamSphere 5.0 for iPhone is currently being beta tested by a selected team of subscribers. If you're a subscriber and interested in joining the beta testing team, please email us at betatest@hamsphere.com. This testing phase, using Apple's TestFlight, ensures that we fine-tune the app and gather valuable feedback from our dedicated users before the official launch.

New website design for desktop and mobile browsers.

As you have already seen, the HamSphere website has a new look. Our new HamSphere 5.0 website is built using the modern Bootstrap web framework. This powerful framework brings numerous advantages, enhancing your browsing experience on HamSphere. Here's why Bootstrap is beneficial:

Responsive Design: Our website seamlessly adapts to different screen sizes, ensuring a consistent and user-friendly experience across devices.

Cross-Browser Compatibility: The web site works smoothly on all major web browsers, so you can explore the platform with confidence.

Efficient Development: Bootstrap's pre-built components and styling options enable the development team to work efficiently, delivering updates and new features promptly, such as the DX-Cluster, statistics, awards and contests.

Introducing the New 6m Band with Semi HF Propagation

The 6m band is the entry point for HamSphere 5.0, offering a unique and exciting experience for users. It provides a 100-watt USB/LSB/CW transmitter using a virtual Ionosphere, but with some slight bending of the rules. This means that no matter where you are in the world, your signal will be picked up anywhere within the HamSphere network. However, the use of a Beam antenna can further enhance your signal and provide valuable learning opportunities, especially for newcomers and non-HF operators interested in understanding and utilizing YAGI antennas.

With the inclusion of the 6m Beam antenna, users have the chance to experience the benefits and characteristics of directional antennas. The focused and directed signal pattern of the Beam antenna allows for targeted communication and increased signal strength over longer distances. It provides an excellent opportunity for users to learn the skills of using a YAGI antenna and explore the advantages it offers.

One advantage of the directional 6m Beam antenna is its ability to deflect strong QRM (interference) signals. This feature adds a layer of realism to the experience, allowing users to understand and navigate challenging radio environments. It creates a dynamic and engaging atmosphere, making the HamSphere 6m band not only educational but also a lot of fun.

The addition of new Beam and Omni directional antennas for the 6m band brings an exciting enhancement to our services, enriching the HamSphere experience for all users. These antennas are now available to our community at no additional cost, further expanding the possibilities and capabilities of the 6m band. Designed specifically for the semi-propagation nature of the simulated 6m band on HamSphere 5.0, these antennas provide improved signal directionality and coverage options.

The 6m band serves both experienced users and those new to this frequency range. As a stepping stone towards understanding HF bands, it provides hands-on experience with HF communication, antenna operation, and signal propagation in a realistic environment. By starting with the 6m band on our platform, you can experiment with sending signals worldwide and gradually build your skills to tackle HF bands. It's not just about fun—it's a chance for genuine learning and gaining practical experience in the world of Amateur Radio.

HF Propagation and Antennas

HF Propagation: Simplified Explanation
HF propagation is how radio signals move in the High Frequency (HF) range, which is often used to talk over long distances. To make it simple, think of it like throwing a rock into a lake and watching the waves move. When a radio signal is sent, it hits the Earth's ionosphere and bounces back, letting the signal travel far. On HamSphere, we have a special way to show this. We use a system based on VOACAP, a software developed by Voice of America, to mimic the ionosphere. This system uses up-to-date sunspot numbers and solar flux values to make a realistic model of the HF band. This means that users can experience real-world HF propagation on HamSphere, making long-distance talks within the HamSphere community as close to real as possible.

The Ionosphere and Sunspot Effects on HF Propagation
The ionosphere is part of Earth's atmosphere. It has electrically charged particles made by the Sun's radiation. Sunspots, dark areas on the Sun, can change the ionosphere and how HF signals move. When there are lots of sunspots, the ionosphere is more active and HF signals can travel further. When there are fewer sunspots, the ionosphere is less active and HF signals might not go as far.

Importance of Choosing the Right Antenna
Selecting the right antenna is crucial for effective HF communication. Different antennas have varying characteristics, and choosing the appropriate one depends on the desired communication distance and directionality. For short-distance communication, using a Yagi/Beam antenna may not be ideal, as its narrow beamwidth could overshoot the target. In such cases, an omni-directional antenna, like a dipole or vertical antenna, is more suitable, providing a broader coverage area. In the vast selection of antennas available on HamSphere, operators have access to hundreds of NEC modelled HF antennas. From simple wire antennas to larger Yagi and Quad antennas, there's an antenna to suit every operator's needs. These antennas work as plug-ins, allowing operators to purchase and use them seamlessly within the HamSphere platform. Despite being digitally designed, they mirror the look and feel of their real-world counterparts, providing a truly authentic experience.

Visit the antenna section in our Web Shop

Here are some example antennas from our Web Shop:

  • Wire Antennas
    • SM7NHC Dipole (10-80m)

      The SM7NHC Dipole Antenna is versatile and is designed for use with the 10-80m bands. Its design draws from the well-known G5RV model, and it can be easily adjusted. When positioned at a low height, it demonstrates high NVIS quality, which supports reliable HF communication. It also facilitates operations across multiple bands

      SM7NHC Dipole
  • Legendary Antennas
    • W3EDP End-fed (10-40m)

      The W3EDP antenna is known for its capabilities. It covers a broad range of frequencies (10, 12, 15, 17, 20, 30, and 40 meters), making it proficient in both short and long-distance DXing. It offers precise performance and has been carefully modeled by HamSphere.

      W3EDP End-fed Antenna
  • GP Monopoles
    • GP Monopole with 256 Radials

      The GP Monopole with 256 Radials is an adaptable antenna available on HamSphere 5.0. It covers the 10-80m bands and is used by hams across the globe. It has a classic quarter-wavelength design with groundplane radials. The antenna's 256 evenly spaced copper wire radials enable low angle radiation and high efficiency.

      GP Monopole with 256 Radials
  • Verticals
    • Vertical Co-Phased Collinear for 40m

      The Vertical Co-Phased Collinear for 40m is an antenna featured on HamSphere. It offers remarkable HF DX performance with its omnidirectional traits. It relies on a vertical, co-phased, co-axial stacked array to achieve significant gain and optimal radiation. This makes it suitable for DX enthusiasts who are interested in receiving worldwide signals./p>

      Vertical Co-Phased Collinear for 40m
  • Quads
    • 6-element Quad for 40m

      The 17m 6-element Quad antenna is a feature that can enhance the capabilities of your transceiver. At a notable height of 95ft, this antenna provides exceptional directionality, high ratios, and a 30-50 dB rejection that aids in minimizing interference during reception. It contributes to improved signal quality and clearer communication.

      6-element Quad for 40m
  • 2 Element Yagis
    • 2 Element Yagi for 40m

      The 2 Element Yagi for 40m is a high-performance antenna designed for optimal DX. It features a 57-inch boom, similar to a 3-element Yagi, with a gain of 6.2 dBi and a 19 dB front-to-back ratio. This antenna provides wide coverage, making it a versatile addition to your transceiver and a tool for enhancing your DXing capabilities.

      2 Element Yagi for 40m
  • 3 Element Yagis
    • 3 Element Yagi for 15m

      The 3 Element Yagi for 15m is an efficient beam antenna notable for its impressive gain. It's popular in HF radio and on HamSphere 5.0. At an optimum height of 95ft, the antenna's gain exceeds 13 dBi on DX bands. It has a wide azimuth beamwidth that is suitable for short to medium range, as well as remarkable DX. With low SWR and high efficiency, it's a good fit for a variety of beam operations.

      3 Element Yagi for 15m
  • 5 Element Yagis
    • 5-element Yagi for 15m

      The 5-element Yagi for 15m is an antenna optimized for dedicated DXers. It offers an impressive gain of 15.5 dBi and a front-to-back ratio of 33-40 dB. When positioned at heights of 80 ft (24m), it provides excellent DX capabilities. It has low SWR and high radiation efficiency, making it suitable for use across multiple bands.

      5-element Yagi for 15m
  • 8 Element Yagis
    • 8 Element Yagi for 20m

      The 8-element Yagi for 20m is a high-gain, high-performance antenna that provides exceptional directionality and power gain. It is designed to maximize signal strength and improve range, making it ideal for DXing and contesting. With this antenna, communication with more stations can be achieved with clarity.

      8 Element Yagi for 20m
  • Cardioids
    • Cardioid (30m)

      The Cardioid Pattern antenna offers excellent performance with its cardioid pattern. It is particularly suitable for long-range DX and medium-range operation, with a peak gain of 9.9 dBi. This antenna can operate across a wide range of 10-160m, and it can be an impactful addition to your transceiver on HamSphere.

      Cardioid (30m)
  • NVIS
    • NVIS Antenna for 80m

      The NVIS antenna for 80m utilizes the power of Near Vertical Incidence Skywave (NVIS) propagation. It's designed to ensure reliable short-range communication, making it great for local contacts. Its unique design and optimized radiation pattern provide maximum signal coverage. Using the NVIS antenna, you can take advantage of the benefits of NVIS propagation.

      NVIS Antenna for 80m
  • Multibanders
    • Log Periodic (10-40m)

      The 8 Band LPDA is a versatile HF multi-band antenna known for its exceptional performance. It offers broad bandwidth, excellent gain, and a good front-to-back ratio. Covering from 40m to 10m, it has a 29m boom length and a 24m span. It includes 16 log periodic elements and 2 parasitic directors. With an average gain of over 12 dBi, it offers good long-range capabilities when used with a transceiver on HamSphere.

      Log Periodic (10-40m)
    • Hex Beam Compact 6-band antenna (10, 15, 17, 20, 30, 40)

      The Hex Beam Compact 6-band antenna is a versatile multi-band device designed for optimal performance. It covers the 40-30-20-17-15-10m bands, making it a great choice for DX coverage. It offers broad beamwidth and can serve as a high-performance addition to your transceiver.

      Hex Beam Compact 6-band antenna (10, 15, 17, 20, 30, 40)
    • 6-band 5-element Cubical Quad

      The 6-band 5-element Cubical Quad antenna is designed to be versatile, covering the 10, 11, 12, 15, 17, and 20m bands. It offers high gain with a low noise pickup and operates with a single coaxial feed, eliminating the need for an additional ATU. This antenna offers a balance of performance and efficiency, and can be a valuable addition to your setup.

      6 bands 5el Quad at 66ft (10, 11, 12, 15, 17 and 20m)
  • Arrays
    • VU2NSB OmniDX (17m)

      The VU2NSB OmniDX Antenna series comprises unique monoband antennas designed for optimal radiation patterns on HF bands. It features six co-phased collinear radiators, delivering excellent performance with a 14 dBi gain and 360-degree coverage. These antennas are designed to enhance DX capabilities through their precise radiation patterns, making them a solid choice for upgrading your setup.

       VU2NSB OmniDX (17m)

Introducing our New Awards System on HamSphere 5.0

We're excited to bring you a brand new awards system on HamSphere 5.0. This system works automatically, handing out awards all on its own. These new awards are beautiful and have been carefully made with the HF band in mind, paying special attention to the amazing world of HF signal travel and the art of antennas. They aim to celebrate and recognize the skills of our users in the Amateur Radio world, whether you're just starting out or you've been doing this for a while. These awards honor your hard work and love for the hobby. Let's see how these awards can make your HamSphere experience even more enjoyable.

A wide range of award categories: The awards include different areas of the hobby, like DX skills, antenna knowledge, propagation understanding, QRP abilities, CW, and Digital modes. Whether you're good at long-distance communication, know a lot about antennas, or are skilled in different operating modes, there's an award category for you

Diverse antenna options: The awards recognize the use of different antennas, ranging from legacy models to modern creations. If you prefer working with wires, big boomers, or enjoy experimenting with innovative designs, rest assured that your achievements will be acknowledged.

Continental recognition: The awards highlight achievements on all continents, embracing the global reach of amateur radio. No matter where you are located, there's an opportunity to earn recognition for your accomplishments within your specific region.

Beginner-friendly and advanced awards: The awards are designed to be inclusive for both beginners and more advanced operators. Whether you're taking your first steps in the hobby or have earned your skills over the years, there's an award waiting to be pursued.

Here are some examples of the new Awards:

We also have 24 new contests designed to enhance Amateur Radio contesting

Amateur Radio contesting is a popular activity within the amateur radio community where operators compete to make as many contacts as possible within a specific time frame. Contests provide an opportunity for operators to test their equipment, refine their operating techniques, and engage in friendly competition with fellow radio enthusiasts from around the world.

We love celebrating the achievements of our participants, but our contests are not just about winning. They're all about having a great time, improving your skills, and connecting with like-minded radio enthusiasts. At the end of each contest, we make sure to recognize the incredible efforts of our participants with Gold, Silver, and Bronze awards. These special diplomas are our way of saying thank you and showing appreciation for your dedication and contribution to the contest.

HamSphere is all about embracing the spirit of amateur radio, and we're excited to bring you these exciting contests where operators can demonstrate their skills and connect with others who share the same passion. Our contests attract participants from various backgrounds, uniting them in their love for radio communication and providing a platform to highlight their abilities.

During our contests, participants can expect a lively and fast-paced experience, engaging in rapid exchanges, skillfully managing pile-ups, and adapting to changing propagation conditions. These contests provide a valuable opportunity for participants to enhance their operating skills, discover new techniques, and create meaningful connections with fellow radio enthusiasts. These contests include long-distance communication, speed-based sprints, and contests dedicated to specialized modes.

Click here to view all contests

Contest calendar

We've migrated Legacy QSL, Award, and Log Book data from 3.0 and 4.0 to HamSphere 5.0.

We understand the value of your legacy QSL cards, awards, and log book data from HamSphere 3.0 and 4.0, and we are pleased to announce that all of this valuable information has been migrated to HamSphere 5.0. This means that you can continue to access and enjoy your past QSL cards, awards, and log book entries within the new platform. We have made sure to preserve your historical records, allowing you to reminisce on your past accomplishments and continue building upon your amateur radio journey seamlessly in HamSphere 5.0.

Live DX Cluster on the website, providing real-time DX activity monitoring.

Stay updated with our live DX Cluster available right here on our website, providing real-time DX activity monitoring. Our DX Cluster is a powerful tool that combines auto-spotting and operator spotting to bring you the latest DX activity information. With a network of automated DX-Monitors constantly listening to signals, you can expect accurate and timely reports on DX stations. The DX Cluster allows you to track DX spots, monitor propagation conditions, and discover exciting opportunities for contacts. Plus, with up to two hours of history available, you can review past activity and plan your future radio operations effectively. Experience the convenience and benefits of our embedded DX Cluster, enhancing your amateur radio journey on HamSphere 5.0.

Reworking the VHF and UHF Bands: Relocating 2m Repeaters and Expanding Frequency Options

We have introduced significant enhancements to the VHF and UHF bands on HamSphere 5.0, offering expanded frequency options and improved functionality. One notable change is the complete opening of the new 2m band, which now consists of 39 channels ranging from 145.025 to 145.975 MHz, with a spacing of 25 kHz between each channel. Unlike in HamSphere 4, there are no repeaters on the 2m band in HamSphere 5.0. Instead, they have been relocated to the 70cm band.

In the 70cm band (434.100-900 MHz), you will find 10 repeaters, similar to HamSphere 4. However, the key difference is the availability of 28 direct channels surrounding these repeaters. These direct channels offer additional communication options without relying on the repeaters, providing more flexibility and opportunities for direct station-to-station communication.

These changes in the VHF and UHF bands demonstrate our commitment to creating a realistic radio environment on HamSphere, aligning it with real-world radio operations and enabling users to explore a wider range of frequencies and communication possibilities. Whether you're experimenting with different channels, engaging in direct communication, or utilizing repeaters for extended coverage, the enhanced VHF and UHF bands on HamSphere 5.0 offer a more immersive and versatile radio experience for our users.

HamSphere North America Rag Chew Net

The HamSphere North America Rag Chew Net (NET/NARC) is a vibrant and engaging community within the amateur radio world. Our net provides a platform for operators to connect and engage in enjoyable and informative rag chew sessions.

The HamSphere North America Rag Chew net aims to foster a sense of camaraderie and open discussion among radio enthusiasts. Led by our dedicated Net Controllers, VA7FT, Tim; VE3UWA, Wayne; KD9TQH, Bob; W7CPT, Jim; and M6INJ, Pete. Also ably assisted by your Net Loggers, AC9QM, Rik and M7SBC, Andrew. This group of volunteers offer their invaluable assistance to ensure the smooth functioning of the NARC Net. Also, Pete M6INJ looks after the Forum where all questions and after net reports are posted as well as on our Facebook group.

The NET/NARC is a place where operators can come together to share their experiences, ask questions, and explore various topics related to HamSphere and ham radio. It serves as a hub of knowledge, where participants can seek advice, offer insights, and engage in meaningful conversations.

During our net sessions, we cover a wide range of topics, including technical aspects of radio operation, equipment recommendations, operating techniques, and much more. We encourage active participation from all members, as each individual brings their unique perspectives and expertise to enrich the discussions.

If you have any questions, ideas, or simply want to join the lively discussions, we invite you to check out the HamSphere North America Rag Chew Net. Join us on Wednesdays and Fridays at 01:00 UTC on 70CM (434.5) frequency, and become a part of our dynamic community.

Stay connected, stay informed, and enjoy the wonderful world of ham radio with the HamSphere North America Rag Chew Net!

For comments or questions, please email: ve3ohs@gmail.com
de M6INJ (Pete)

Go Forth and Work Split.

HamSphere North America Rag Chew Net on Facebook

HamSphere India DX Net (IDX Net)

The India DX Net (IDX Net) is a longstanding and well-established net on the HamSphere platform. With its roots dating back to the launch of HamSphere 4.0 in August 2014, IDX Net has been serving as a dedicated forum for discussions and exchanges related to HF Radio Propagation, Antennas, weak signal or DX operating procedures, and techniques. It has played a crucial role in disseminating information and bridging the information gap in these areas.

The HamSphere India DX Net (IDX Net) is a dedicated community on the HamSphere platform, connecting amateur radio operators with a shared passion for DXing and HF communication. We are excited to announce that IDX Net is now running regularly on HS5, with a change in frequency to 50.173 MHz (6m band).

Join us every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, starting at 12:00 UTC, as we gather on the new frequency to engage in lively discussions and exchange valuable insights on various aspects of amateur radio. Whether you are an experienced operator or just starting your journey, IDX Net welcomes everyone to participate and contribute.

As always, IDX Net remains committed to providing a platform for operators to seek assistance, share experiences, and foster a sense of camaraderie within the amateur radio community. We encourage you to be an active participant and make the most out of the valuable knowledge and expertise shared during our net sessions.

Mark your calendars and tune in to the HamSphere India DX Net on HS5, now on 50.173 MHz (6m band), to connect with fellow operators, explore the world of DXing, and enhance your amateur radio journey. We look forward to hearing you on the net!

We solicit participation from all members of the HamSphere community... 73, de Basu VU2NSB.

HamSphere India DX Net (IDX Net) on Facebook

Weekly DX Net

We are excited to share information about the Weekly DX Net, a recently formed group dedicated to providing assistance and answering questions related to Amateur Radio and HamSphere. This network of individuals comes together on the weekends, offering their expertise and support to both amateur and non-amateur operators.

The Weekly DX Net conducts two sessions per week to accommodate various schedules and time zones. On Saturdays at 20:00 UTC, you can join the net with Wilson (K4BYS) serving as the net control operator. Additionally, there is a Sunday session at 21:00 UTC, facilitated by Steven (KQ4IZD). These experienced operators are committed to creating an inclusive environment where participants can learn, share insights, and engage in discussions related to Amateur Radio and HamSphere.

The primary purpose of the Weekly DX Net is to foster collaboration, provide guidance, and address any inquiries individuals may have regarding Amateur Radio or HamSphere. It serves as a valuable resource for those seeking assistance, whether they are newcomers to the hobby or experienced operators looking to expand their knowledge and skills.

As part of their commitment to accessibility, the Weekly DX Net extends an open invitation to all amateur and non-amateur operators. Regardless of your level of expertise or location, you are welcome to participate and benefit from the shared experiences and insights of the network's members.

Please note that the Weekly DX Net has recently shifted its frequency to 434.150 kHz. This change ensures a clear and dedicated channel for the net's activities. By coordinating their communications on this frequency, participants can engage in meaningful discussions and exchange valuable information.

We would like to express our gratitude to Wilson (K4BYS) and Steven (KQ4IZD) for their dedicated efforts as net control operators. Their commitment and expertise play a vital role in facilitating productive discussions and creating a welcoming atmosphere for all participants.

Whether you have specific questions, seek guidance, or simply wish to connect with fellow enthusiasts, we encourage you to join the Weekly DX Net. It is a valuable platform where you can broaden your understanding of Amateur Radio, explore the exciting world of HamSphere, and connect with a vibrant community of operators.

We are delighted to include the Weekly DX Net in our newsletter, recognizing the invaluable support it provides to operators worldwide. Join them on their new frequency and be part of the Weekly DX Net's mission to foster knowledge-sharing, collaboration, and camaraderie within the Amateur Radio and HamSphere communities.

NET/WDX Frequency: 434150 kHz
Saturdays at 20:00 UTC
Sunday session at 21:00 UTC

HamSphere 80 Meter Award Net

Achieve Your 80 Meter Award and Connect with Radio Operators

The 80 Meter Award on HamSphere 5.0 is an exciting challenge for radio operators, featuring a reduced number of worked states compared to its predecessor on HamSphere 4.0. To earn this prestigious award, operators must successfully make contacts with specific states on the 80 meter band, as outlined in the criteria on the Awards page of the HamSphere 5.0 website.

The 80 meter band is renowned for its demanding nature, making the achievement of the 80 Meter Award even more prestigious, especially for operators outside the United States. With limited HF propagation on the 80 meter band, operators face unique challenges, requiring exceptional skills and dedication to establish successful contacts. Therefore, in support of operators striving to earn this esteemed award, Larry N8RGO and his team have created the 80 Meter Award Net on HamSphere. This net provides a platform to assist operators in achieving the award by facilitating contacts and fostering a supportive community of operators aiming for this notable accomplishment.

We are pleased to announce the HamSphere 80 meter award net, a weekly gathering dedicated to helping radio operators achieve their 80 meter award. This net provides a platform for participants to come together, exchange signal reports, and exchange QSL cards to count the contact on a one-on-one basis.

Our net meetings are held on Mondays at 0100 UTC on frequency 3.750. The main goal of this net is to bring radio operators and states together, facilitating the attainment of the 80 meter award. We encourage all states to actively participate in the net, as the more states we have involved, the easier it becomes for new and existing members to expedite their progress towards this achievement.

During the net, if the number of check-ins is around 15 or less, we often have some spare time for general rag-chew discussions. However, this may vary depending on the number of participants. It's important to note that during the summer months, our net attendance may decrease due to various factors. As a result, we may not have as many states checking in as we do during the fall and winter months. Nonetheless, we always maintain a regular group of participants and warmly welcome new members and states to join us.

We would also like to inform our DX friends that conditions are typically more challenging during this time of year, making it more difficult for stateside stations to reach distant locations. Rest assured, we will do our best with the antennas and conditions available to us during the net. If a contact cannot be established during the net, we encourage you to reach out to me on Facebook, where we can explore the possibility of arranging a contact at a later time or date with operators from the desired states.

Please note that the HamSphere 80 meter award net will be taking a break over the summer. However, we will be back in full swing coming fall, ready to resume our efforts in connecting radio operators and supporting their pursuit of the 80 meter award. We appreciate your understanding and look forward to reconnecting with you in the near future.

Remember to join our HamSphere 80 meter award net Facebook group for updates and valuable discussions. If you are not a member yet, simply send us a request to join, and we will promptly approve your membership. Thank you to all who have participated in our net, and we wish you a wonderful week ahead. Stay safe and 73.

Larry Roop, N8RGO
Net Control Operator

HamSphere 80 Meter Award Net on Facebook

HamSphere Early Bird Net

The HamSphere Early Bird Net is a dedicated gathering for North American HamSphere operators, providing a perfect start to their day. Join us every morning at 7:00 AM EDT/1000 UTC (or thereabouts) on HamSphere 5.0 at 3.760.00 MHz. This long-standing net brings together operators for engaging discussions, information sharing, and building connections within the HamSphere community.

We are thrilled to announce our successful transition to HamSphere 5.0, enriching the net experience with its advanced features and capabilities. As we continue operating on HamSphere 5.0, participants can enjoy a seamless and immersive radio communication experience like never before.

Stay connected and stay informed by joining our Facebook group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/1531293857091569/. This active community is the perfect platform to interact with fellow HamSphere operators, share experiences, and receive updates on net activities and announcements.

Set your alarms, grab your coffee, and join us bright and early for the HamSphere 5.0 Early Bird Net. Let's start our mornings with stimulating conversations, camaraderie, and the joy of amateur radio. We look forward to welcoming you on the frequency and making each session memorable. 73!

John Raile

HamSphere Early Bird Net on Facebook

HamSphere 50+ Club

Welcome to the HamSphere 50+ Club, a vibrant community dedicated to HamSphere 5.0 users who are aged 50 and above. This club provides a platform for like-minded individuals to come together and share their fun experiences in the world of Ham Radio on the HamSphere 5.0 system.

Led by Leo (PA0CVE) as the captain, with support from Kelly (SM7NHC), the HamSphere 50+ Club continues to grow with over 400 members at the time of writing. The club's Facebook group serves as a central hub for communication and interaction among members. We invite you to join the group at https://www.facebook.com/groups/HamSphere.50.Plus.Club/ to connect with fellow enthusiasts, participate in discussions, and stay updated on club activities.

Regardless of your experience level or familiarity with the HamSphere community, the HamSphere 50+ Club provides a welcoming and inclusive environment for radio enthusiasts like you. Engage with fellow operators, share your enthusiasm for Ham Radio, and establish meaningful connections. Join our vibrant community of HamSphere 5.0 users aged 50 and above and experience the camaraderie and knowledge exchange that makes our club thrive. Together, let's foster a supportive space where members can connect, learn, and grow in their shared love for radio communication.

HamSphere 50+ Club on Facebook

Contest Results HamSphere 5.0

Introducing the New Automated Contest System on HamSphere 5.0!

We are excited to announce the launch of our new automated contest system, designed to enhance your contesting experience on HamSphere. With this innovative system, participating in contests is now more convenient and efficient than ever before.

The automated contest system takes care of all the score calculations, ensuring fair competition among participants. It simplifies the process and eliminates the need for manual scorekeeping, allowing you to focus on making contacts and striving for victory.

To make your contest participation even more seamless, the system now sends out contest invitations via email one week before the contest start date. These invitations provide all the necessary details, allowing you to join the contest in advance and prepare for the competition ahead.

Once the contest is completed, the system generates the results and makes them available for viewing. To access the contest results, simply visit the contest page at https://hs50.hamsphere.com/contestpage.php and click on "View" in the RESULT column for contests with ready results. Discover how you performed, compare your score with other participants, and celebrate your achievements.

We understand the importance of recognizing your accomplishments. As a token of your success, the automated contest system also offers digital diplomas. These diplomas serve as a testament to your achievements in various contests, providing a tangible symbol of your contesting prowess.

Silent keys

In the infinite canvas of the universe, where energy is never lost but simply transformed, we acknowledge the spiritual transition of these respected souls from our HamSphere community. While their presence on our airwaves is missed, we know they continue to vibrate in harmony with the grand symphony of existence.

John Kelley K2SHY, Silent Key 2023 - Been with HamSphere since 2011.

Denver 4S7DA, Silent Key 2023 - With us since 2013.

Ron Allen 2hs2108, Silent Key 2023 - Joined our harmonious collective in 2017.

Paul PA1ART, Silent Key 2022 - Became a part of our community in 2017.

Mike G0TQZ, Silent Key 2022 - Connected with us since 2015.

Tom G0NQN, Silent Key 2022 - Our companion on the airwaves from 2013.

Robert KA7RAJ, Silent Key 2022 - Joined our radio family in 2019.

73 to our friends now silent keys. May your signals forever travel the infinite ether.

The 5.0 BC Band News

Since 1 June 2023 These stations have been active:

RADIO_7456, 6262kHz, has been online for a total of 48 hours, 8 minutes, and 27 seconds
RADIO_848, 6265kHz, has been online for a total of 39 hours, 17 minutes, and 51 seconds
RADIO_DTSS, 6270kHz, has been online for a total of 0 hours, 17 minutes, and 36 seconds
RADIO_ELVR, 6240kHz, has been online for a total of 154 hours, 38 minutes, and 29 seconds
RADIO_GOLD has been online for a total of 2 hours, 37 minutes, and 22 seconds
RADIO_MMR, 6227kHz, has been online for a total of 332 hours, 35 minutes, and 29 seconds
RADIO_Q5, 6285kHz, has been online for a total of 0 hours, 25 minutes, and 6 seconds
RADIO_SKIS, 6255kHz, has been online for a total of 2 hours, 30 minutes, and 20 seconds

Licensed CALL letters
Licensed to
2023-07-25 00:10:00
2023-08-03 18:28:13
2023-09-10 12:34:50
2023-10-29 11:56:00
2023-11-21 20:00:00
2023-12-04 16:02:00
2023-12-19 00:10:02
2024-01-06 06:28:00
2024-01-22 19:20:00
2024-03-03 12:33:00
2024-03-19 00:10:00
2024-03-25 12:43:30
2024-05-16 20:05:00
2024-09-26 17:54:00
2024-08-20 12:28:00
2026-04-18 07:19:00
2027-06-12 13:04:00
2028-04-05 12:03:00

BC Band application

If you are interested in becoming a HamSphere 5.0 Broadcaster, please visit our Support. Open up at ticket and you will be asked for the following info:
Requested Callsign (4 letters/numbers):
Station name:
Station manager Name:
QTH (City and country):
Operating frequency:
Antennas used:
Intended power use (ERP) and AZIMUTH:
Transmission times UTC:
Purpose of broadcast:

So please have this information ready.

Video Tutorials

While some have asked about the availability of a text manual, we believe that our comprehensive video tutorials offer a more engaging and effective learning experience. These video manuals provide step-by-step instructions, visual demonstrations, and real-life examples that make it easier to understand and navigate HamSphere 5.0. The dynamic nature of video allows us to showcase the features and functionalities in a more interactive and immersive way. We understand that everyone has different learning preferences, but we are confident that our video tutorials provide clear and accessible guidance for users of all levels. If you have any questions or need further assistance, our support team is always here to help.

Although the video tutorials may mention HamSphere 4.0, we want to assure you that HamSphere 5.0 is fully compatible with HamSphere 4.0. Therefore, all of the instructions provided in the videos are accurate and applicable to HamSphere 5.0. Please disregard any references to HamSphere 4.0.

Link to the Video Tutorials

HamSphere Tech Support

For the past 10 years, we've been offering our 24-hour support ticket system to help our users whenever they need it. Our dedicated and well-trained team is always here to assist you. We understand the importance of quick responses, and while we aim to get back to you within 72 hours, we'll do our best to provide even faster assistance. Rest assured that our experienced co-workers are ready to help you with any questions or issues you may have. We appreciate your trust in us and are committed to making your HamSphere experience the best it can be.

HamSphere Technical Support

News from HamSphere Web shop

Welcome to the HamSphere® webshop, your ultimate destination for building and customizing your HamSphere transceiver! With hundreds of plug-in modules available, you have the freedom to create your own unique transceiver configuration. Our HamSphere transceiver features an intuitive internal editor, allowing you to easily drag and drop various instrumentation, gadgets, audio plugins, text plugins, filter plugins, and different map plugins. The possibilities are endless as you can make unlimited builds of your transceiver, tailoring it to your specific needs and preferences.

But that's not all! We also offer over 100 virtual antennas meticulously designed using NEC software. These antennas are carefully crafted to deliver optimal performance across a range of frequencies and propagation conditions. Whether you're looking for a high-gain directional antenna or a versatile multi-band option, you'll find the perfect virtual antenna in our collection.

To further enhance your HamSphere experience, we provide different skins for your customized transceivers. Choose from a variety of visual themes and designs to personalize the appearance of your transceiver and make it uniquely yours.

Additionally, we offer HS Credits, a currency that can be used for future purchases in our webshop. These credits provide you with flexibility and convenience when it comes to expanding your collection of plug-ins, antennas, or skins. Keep exploring and discover new additions to enhance your HamSphere setup.

Visit our webshop and embark on a journey of endless possibilities. Build your dream transceiver, select the perfect virtual antennas, customize its appearance with stunning skins, and acquire HS Credits for future purchases. We're here to support you every step of the way as you create your ultimate HamSphere experience.

Visit our web shop here

How to Subscribe

The HamSphere annual subscription costs 32 Euro (plus VAT in EU), that is about $40 USD and includes all our features even the iPhone and Android apps. It also includes the standard HamSphere transceiver.

Click here if you are interested in subscribing to HamSphere

For many years our operators have asked for a Subscription alternative payment to PayPal. Finally we are able to process debit and credit cards directly via a Secure Payment Gateway.

More on https://www.hamsphere.com/subscribe

Lost Password / Restore data

How do I get a new password? We get this question often.

Here are two links to fix this.

Click here to get a new password
Click here to set your own password

If it still doesn't work, please contact our support and we will manually give you a new password.
Restore your HamSphere 4.0 rig: https://backup.hamsphere.com/restore_rig.php

Links to official Facebook groups

HamSphere Main https://www.facebook.com/groups/hamsphere
HamSphere 5.0 Main https://www.facebook.com/groups/hamsphere5
HamSphere 5.0 Technical https://www.facebook.com/groups/hamsphere5.tech
HamSphere - Show Your Rig https://www.facebook.com/groups/148521312150096/
HamSphere Broadcasters https://www.facebook.com/groups/HamSphere.Broadcasters
HamSphere Mobile https://www.facebook.com/groups/hamsphere.mobile
HamSphere Late Night DX-gang https://www.facebook.com/groups/HamSphereLateNightDX/
HamSphere SKED - QSO Scheduling https://www.facebook.com/groups/1012951745412722/
HamSphere Contest Club (HSCC) https://www.facebook.com/groups/HamSphere.Contest.Club/
HamSphere CW Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1399207190331834/
HamSphere Official Contest Page https://www.facebook.com/groups/HamSphere.Official.Contest.Page/
HamSphere Real DX Net https://www.facebook.com/groups/742872812520607/
HamSphere QSL Cards https://www.facebook.com/groups/HamSphereQSLcards/
Digimodes on HamSphere https://www.facebook.com/groups/hamspheredatamodes/

HamSphere on Twitter and Facebook

Thank you for all followers on Facebook and Twitter!

Follow HamSphere on facebook
Follow HamSphere on Twitter

There is so much information on all of our Facebook Groups to help you with queries and please, any questions just ask away, someone will be around to help with any questions that are asked. If you haven't joined any of our Facebook groups, do a search for "HamSphere" and you will find them and click on join to become a member.

Thank you for your interest and your continued Support.

Agnes Waern Lindman

© HamSphere AB, All Right Reserved (