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2023-10-30 09:21
Registered: 14 years ago
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Amateur Radio Q-Codes Guide

Q-codes are standardized sets of three-letter combinations, each of which stands for a question or a statement. In amateur radio, these codes facilitate efficient and clear communication, especially during conditions where clarity might be compromised or to quickly convey common questions or statements. Here's how to use them:

To ask a question: Use the Q-code followed by a question mark. For example, "QTH?" means "What is your location?"
To answer or make a statement: Use the Q-code without a question mark. For example, "QTH London" means "My location is London."

Here are some commonly used Q-codes in amateur radio:

Of these, terms like QSL, QSO, QRP, QRZ, QTH, and QRM are among the most frequently used in daily amateur radio chatter. The use of certain Q-codes may vary based on the mode of operation (voice, Morse code, or digital) and the context in which they're used.

QRA - What is your station name (or call sign)?
QRB - How far are you from my station?
QRG - What's my exact frequency?
QRH - Does my frequency vary?
QRI - How is the tone of my transmission?
QRJ - Are you receiving me badly? Am I weak?
QRK - What is the readability of my signals?
QRL - Are you busy?
QRM - Is my transmission being interfered with?
QRN - Are you troubled by static?
QRO - Shall I increase power?
QRP - Shall I decrease power?
QRQ - Shall I send faster?
QRS - Shall I send more slowly?
QRT - Shall I stop sending?
QRU - Have you anything for me?
QRV - Are you ready?
QRX - When will you call me again?
QRZ - Who is calling me?
QSA - What is the strength of my signals?
QSB - Are my signals fading?
QSL - Can you acknowledge receipt?
QSO - Can you communicate with ... direct or by relay?
QSP - Will you relay a message to ...?
QSY - Shall I change to transmission on another frequency?
QTH - What is your location?
QTR - What is the exact time?
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